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Olivier Douzou was born on November 27th, 1963, in Rodez (France).

Awarded a diploma in architecture in 1987, he first worked as an art director in two Parisian design agencies, until 1993. Then he became a free-lance graphic designer, book publisher, practicing in multiple domains always connected to drawing and creation.

In 1993, his first album “Jojo the mache” started the youth collection of the Editions du Rouergue. Rouergue Publishers received many projects after “Jojo the mache” being published, and they asked Olivier Douzou to create the children’s department of the Rouergue. The collaboration lasted till 2001 and has been quite an adventure! This work, both as a publisher and an author, will be defined by many critics and journalists as the re-creation of what a book for a child can be.

In 2001 the collaboration with the Rouergue stops. He participates in the foundation of “L’ampoule” Publishers and keeps on exercising in domains highly varied: illustration, objects or graphics.

In 2006, the album “le dez” (“The nose”) published at MeMo Publishers is rewarded as best book of the year in the book fair of Montreuil. Olivier Douzou receives then a carte blanche for the exhibition “Play”. This exhibition has an important role in his evolution. He decides to invite nine authors-friends: Jochen Gerner, Frédérique Bertrand, José Parrondo, Christian Voltz, Natali Fortier, Bruno Heitz, Anouk Ricard and Kitty Crowther. The space of exhibition is designed by him, and he works in collaboration with each of the invited authors. His work is also shown, of course, and he chooses to explore every thing that has to do with the act of playing. Hence the title of the exhibition, of course, but also the writing and drawing of his only book about his work : “Play >”, MeMo Publishers. This book is special for him because it shows, for the first time, his great ability as a draughtsman, presenting drawings that had never been seen in all these years.

Since then, Olivier Douzou has been conceiving exhibitions for the Montreuil Book Fair and over people.

In 2011, Rouergue Publishers is acquired by Actes Sud Publishers. They ask Olivier Douzou to come back and continue his work as the director (manager) of the children’s albums. He also is the Art Director of the whole brand image of the Rouergue.

Olivier Douzou published around 90 albums, of which half as the author.

His books have been awarded many times in France, particularly at the main Book Fair for children of Montreuil (Totem 1996 / Baobab 2006 / Pépite 2012) but also once in the Bologna Book Fair in Bologna in 1999.

His books are translated for some in numerous countries.

Founder member with Claude Ponti of the Muz (Museum of the artistic works of the children - http://lemuz.org/), collaborator of the association ACCESS (Cultural actions against the exclusions and Segregations - http://www.acces-lirabebe.fr) and a partner of the meetings of the comic strip and the illustration of Bastia since 1995, Olivier Douzou most of his time working towards children through drawings and stories.

He has been decorated as Chevalier à l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the minister of the department of culture, in France, in January 2013.
